
Hi there. I'm Matthew Cornell and I love writing software. I have over 20 years of software engineering experience writing object-oriented frameworks, tools, and applications, and I specialize in Extreme Programming agile development. I'm a freelancer who has worked with lots of languages, but my main focus for the last three years is Python.

I've written intelligent tutoring system authoring tools, RESTful APIs, web apps (check out PeepWeather on GitHub), a graphical Shuttle payload processing tool, and I led a team and programmed a comprehensive Java machine learning system comprised of a from-scratch database, an advanced graphical query language (including planner, editor, and results browser), and complex desktop Swing UIs. I've also explored cluster computing solutions like Hadoop Impala, Spark GraphX, and Vertica to speed up ML algorithms. And of course plenty of work with SQL databases like PostgreSQL.

Please see my LinkedIn page for details, and my resume is here. You can contact me here to talk about how I might help program one of your projects. Thanks!


I am also the creator of Think, Try, Learn: A scientific method for discovering happiness. It's a personal philosophy based on treating life as an experiment. You can read more here. I've also had a small chapter published in the Wiley book Mindhacker: 60 Tips, Tricks, and Games to Take Your Mind to the Next Level (Amazon link here). It's called Hack 54: Think, Try, Learn and you can download the PDF here. I am not developing TTL any more, but I continue to explore ways to help people live more rational lives, with some projects in the works.

I wrote for a number of years on my blog, The Experiment-Driven Life, which has a lot of different content, including popular posts from my productivity consulting days, and had nearly 2,000 subscribers. Gratifyingly, it still gets hundreds of hits a day. I'm just now rebooting it and writing again, but you may like browsing the alphabetical list of my 400+ posts.

If you get excited about anything you see here, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for stopping by, and happy experimenting!